Virtual World Asset Management

The generation, delivery, and storage of electricity presents unique challenges. The dawn of the renewable energy generation has seen traditional network operators and their aging assets come under significant strain. Outdated inspection programs are used to maintain the electrical power grid. These inspection processes include inspectors going into the field to gather information on the network and the surrounding environment. This is hugely inefficient, costly and environmentally damaging. Fugro has developed a remote sensing solution, Fugro ROAMES® creates a 3D digital twin of electrical grid networks, assets and the surrounding environment. This solution relies on AI and ML to process and deliver in-depth analytics rapidly across the entire network and is hosted through an online 3D visual assessment tool with embedded analytics. Fugro ROAMES® allows the utility sector to digitally inspect their assets from the office, saving up to 40% on inspection operating expenses, with a much-reduced carbon footprint.

Fugro ROAMES® transforms the inspection and maintenance processes for electrical grid networks and holds significant implications for city climate action. The  vegetation analytics help fortify the resilience of electrical networks against escalating natural hazards, a growing concern in the face of climate change. Traditional inspection methods often struggle to assess the impact of vegetation on power infrastructure, particularly in regions prone to wildfires and floods. Fugro ROAMES® 3D digital twin accurately captures the spatial distribution, species and health of surrounding vegetation. This enhances the overall reliability of electrical grids and serves as a crucial tool for cities grappling with the escalating risks of climate-induced disasters. By enabling utilities to proactively identify and mitigate potential hazards from vegetation, such as fire-prone areas or flood-vulnerable zones, Fugro Fugro ROAMES® contributes directly to the resilience of electrical networks. Integrating such technology aligns seamlessly with city climate action plans, as it empowers municipalities to adapt and fortify critical infrastructure in the face of a changing climate, fostering a more sustainable and resilient urban energy landscape.