Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) Assessment Tool’s Desktop View
With so much data and information freely and readily available, a web-based tool implemented by the U.S. Government helps make sense of it all using engaging visuals and current maps and statistics. Esri software created an interactive tool, the Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA). CMRA was developed in 2022 as part of a U.S. government interagency partnership, under the auspices of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, to make authoritative climate data easily accessible and understandable to state, local and tribal communities to inform their climate actions and investments. The site was developed by Esri, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) hosts and manages CMRA.
The portal supports communities’ understanding of which climate-related hazards they face the most risk from today and in the future with real-time dashboards and future climate predictions for heat, drought, wildfire, flooding and coastal inundation threats. Users can view current maps showing where climate-related hazards are occurring today, their impacts on people and the economy, and how they are projected to change over time based on different climate scenarios. The information can be explored through interactive maps and charts to inform climate strategies or generate a report summarizing the information for a selected geography. These reports are helpful as supporting evidence in project justifications and grant applications. All geospatial data in the tool is also available for reuse through open web services. In addition, users can find federal policies relevant to climate adaptation and federal funding opportunities that can help pay for climate resilience projects in the U.S.